2024年7月31日 星期三

2024 week 31 新玩意

01. SRAM

M x N

M depth,  M words of memory.
N width,  bits per word.

SRAM 4096X96

wire [95:0] D;
wire [95:0] Q;
wire [11:0] Adder;
reg [95:0] ram[4095:0];

 2^12 = 4096, 12 is the address line width.

Column mux is used to reduce the length of row (4096), it can reduce the area of SRAM ( 讓 SRAM 長寬不要差太多,也可以增加效率 ).

SP means single port SRAM, the port can be used to read or write function.
    clk, addr, en, wen, data.    

2P means two port SRAM, one port for read, one port for write.
    clk_r, clk_w, addr_r, addr_w, en_r, en_w, wen_r, wen_w

DP mean dual port SRAM, two port for read or write function.
    clk_a, clk_b, addr_a, addr_b, en_a, en_b, wen_a, wen_b
    you can read or write at addr_a or addr_b.

02. \d is for PCRE, not for basic regex.

We can use -P when we use grep. 

還好我都習慣使用 [0-9],但偶爾會突然想用 \d,每次都會忘記是 for PCRE。

